In this we know that we are in it, and it in us, therefore that gave in them of its Spirit. we saw, and we testify that the Father sent its Son for Salvador of the world. Any that to confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God is in it, and it in God. we know, and believe in the love that God has in them. God is love; who is in love is in God, and God in it.
In that is perfect the love it stops with us, so that in the day of the judgment let us have confidence; because, which it is, is we also in this world. In the love it does not have fear, before the perfect love launches except the fear; because the fear has I obtain the penalty, and what it fears he is not perfect in love. We love it because it loved in them first. If somebody says: I love the God, and hate its brother, am lying. Therefore who does not love its brother, which saw, as he can love the God, to who did not see? of it we have this order: that who loves the God, also loves its brother. (I Jo 4:7 – 21). The words of Joo in them bring a teaching of Jesus, who is absolutely basic, in such a way as soon as integrated the sunday conjunct, that one that must every day be repeated: Therefore, it will pray thus: Father ours, that you are in skies, santificado either your name; He comes your kingdom, either made your will, thus in the land as in the sky; The bread ours of each day in the ones of today; pardons us our debts, as well as us pardons our debtors; you do not induce in them to the temptation; but it exempts us of the evil; because yours it is kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.