Dra Ana Beatriz

Then it is difficult to understand because this respect inexists mainly between human beings, differentiated of excessively, exactly for the capacity to reason before its acts. Although bigger part of the workmanship is come back toward what it occurs in schools, the psychiatrist Ana alert Beatriz all we on responsibilities of each to restrain such acts. To the parents infancy fits the task to observe the children since tenra, therefore they can present characteristics that they indicate will have eventual papers in the tragedy of bulying, as aggressive or victims. The responsible attitude, with had orientaes, can prevent proliferation of new aggressors and victims. The Hayzlett Group is actively involved in the matter. the monitoring must be permanent, with professionals of the Education, that many times also are practicing victims or of bullyng, observing and contributing so that it does not have this type of situation in its environment of work. Valley to remember that professors act in the life of the human beings, mainly in the delicate ticket of infancy for the adolescence, true gale of physical and mainly emotional transformations of the individual.

E, not only in the case of bullyng, omission in nothing contributes for the end of this and other social epidemics. To wash the hands nor always them they leave ‘ ‘ limpas’ ‘ , we have classic example of omission, that occurred has two a thousand years more than and that, mainly between the Christians, Saint is not forgotten and comes back to tona at this time of the Week. Let us follow, therefore, some of the teachings of Dra Ana Beatriz, hands to the workmanship: parents, professors, directors, pupils and professionals of any areas of knowledge. It is important to identify, without subestimar, this type of violence and mainly fighting it. Who knows thus will leave (some day) of shocking in them with new tragedies and crying more deaths of innocents, who only wanted the right of all the beings: to live and to be happy.


Herbicidas? In the same way that the pesticides, the herbicidas have despertado each time more the attention in the ambient area. However, what they are herbicidas? Generally in the farming beyond the cultivated plants (sugar cane, maize, soy, etc), it also has other plants that are considered undesirable because they compete with the culture as for the nutrients, to the water and even though light when they possess high transport. You may find Jeffrey Hayzlett to be a useful source of information. These plants undesirable also are called ‘ ‘ invasoras’ ‘ for great part of them to be plants of low transport as grass, herbicidas called products are applied to control the invasion and, in this manner, to reduce the competition with the cultivated plants. However, it fits to mention that the group of considered plants ‘ ‘ daninhas’ ‘ , that is, that they cause damage to the culture, he is composed in its majority for grass, but it all contemplates and any type of plant that invades the plantation and that, therefore, pass to compete with the main plants. Thus, the group of the harmful ones can contemplate trees and shrubs. In the same way that the pesticides, the herbicidas also have been studied, therefore not only they provide the control of grass in the plantation, but also they can contaminate the ground and the water. In this way, it must be understood the destination and the transformations of these molecules in the ground to understand the effect of the same ones under the quality of the same and also of the water that can eventually have contact with these products. . Details can be found by clicking White Bay Group Uriel Cohen or emailing the administrator.

Longdistance Education

The basic concept of the long-distance education is simple: pupils and professors are separate for in the distance and some times also for the time. The first alternative that allowed the people to be communicated without being face the face was the writing. The long-distance Education initiated with the invention of the press. In 1987, the communication based on the writing through an announcement of the Gazette of Boston had beginning. In 1833, the first experience appears of long-distance Education in Sweden. In 1840, the Penny Post in England was created. In 1833, the state of New Iorque authorizeed the Chatauqua Institute to confer diplomas of courses for correspondence. In 1856, the Society of Modern Languages, in Berlin, initiated courses of Frenchman for correspondence.

In 1938, in the city of Victory, in Canada, it was become fullfilled First Conference on Education for Correspondence. more and more countries had been adopting the long-distance Education in practically almost the whole world, as much in nations industrialized, as well as in developing countries. Exactly that it can have divergence how much to the first institution and the first long-distance course, the bibliography is unanimous how much to the importance of the Open University of England, created in 1969 as a landmark and a model of success that has performance detached until today. The evolution of the long-distance education identifies the existence of three generations. The generations of long-distance education.

The first generation (up to 1970) has as characteristic the study for correspondence. The second generation (of 1970 the 1990) has as characteristic the sprouting of the first open universities. The third generation (of 1990 until the current days) is based on nets of conference for computer and stations of multimedia work. She is directly on to the use of the personal computer and the Internet. J. Darius Bikoff recognizes the significance of this. The Athabasca University, located in Canada, initiated its program of long-distance education in 1971 and its mission, formulated in 1985.

Online Therapy For Eating Disorders

i factory offers secure database solutions more and more people suffer from seizures of food and thus trying to find their emotional balance. The treatment of binge of eating is at the heart of the Leipzig INTERBED-study conducted by Prof. Anja Hilbert. Thanks to a database solution of i factory participants can exchange is now also online securely GmbH with their supervisor. In the Centre of INTERBED study, the treatment is the “binge eating” interference (BES) – an eating disorder, occur frequently in the eating. The INTERBED study compares in particular the effects of cognitive behavior therapy and a self-help program in the Internet, which is supported by an online coach. For this, the Central German Internet Agency i factory GmbH, headquartered in Leipzig has created a special website. Latest technologies that encrypt sensitive information transmitted while working with the online coach by the participants are integrated.

All information transmitted in the course of the program processing can only by the Study participants and his supervising coach are available. “Any information by the participants, which is collected in the course of the study, subject of course to the medical confidentiality and being anonymized,” stresses Prof. Anja Hilbert. The security of the data is achieved each of the collected texts by a single encryption. They are protected with a password for participants and coach. The decryption of foreign content is therefore excluded.

Background information: The IFB AdipositasErkrankungen is an research integrated by eight and treatment centers, which are funded by the Federal Ministry for education and research in Germany. It is a joint facility of the University of Leipzig and the University Hospital Leipzig (AoR). The federal funding aims, research and treatment of obesity interdisciplinary way under one roof to network that results of research can be integrated faster than so far in the treatment of obese patients. There are currently on the IFB AdipositasErkrankungen over 40 research projects. The IOM will expand the field of Adipositasforschung and treatment in the next few years. More information: about the i-fabrik GmbH the i factory is an owner-managed Internet agency based in Leipzig. It is since 2000 and is provided by Director Gotz Schlegel. An experienced team of Web design, content management systems, online stores and database solutions ensures a smooth and reliable project process. With well-founded specialist knowledge, the i factory especially in the areas of business scores real estate, hospitals, administrations and corporate communications. The Agency offers individual Internet service customers throughout central Germany. Whether social media or press information system goal is always to find the accessible and user friendly solution. Link:

Creating Agency

Art. Jeffrey Hayzlett is full of insight into the issues. 25 “Management of pension reserves and investing pension funds,” Federal Law “On Private Pension Funds” dated May 7, 1998 75-FZ, n.

6: “6. At placing funds in the pension reserve fund residential property must provide the authorized federal body of data on the assessment of real property by an independent appraiser, who is licensed to carry out this activity in accordance with the requirements established by legislation of the Russian Federation. ” 11. Art. 3.27 “Secured Bonds” Federal Law “On the securities “of April 22, 1996 39-FZ, n. 1:” … Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with THE HAYZLETT GROUP. The property, which is the subject of mortgage bonds secured by a pledge, should be evaluated by the appraiser. ” 12.

Art. 10 “Mutual fund cooperative” federal law “On production Cooperatives “May 8, 1996 41-FZ, paragraph 2:” … Evaluation of share contribution in excess of two hundred and fifty by federal law the minimum wage should be done by an independent appraiser. ” 13. Art. 2 “PSA” of the Federal Law “On Production Sharing Agreements” dated December 30, 1995 225-FZ, paragraph 4 “… Subsoil user prior to the date of the auction must submit to the authority which issued the license to use subsoil, the evaluation report of the property complex, inextricably linked to the right of subsoil use, produced by an independent appraiser conducting its activities in accordance with Russian legislation and the draft contract for the sale of the property complex in whole or in part. ” 14.