Infantile Growth

Phenomenon of the Infantile Growth of 01 the 06 years. The division of the life human being is undisputedly, a requirement of the spirit that it looks to describe, to understand and to explain. The two natural trends of ours esprito.1 the contrast, whose extremity consists of if opposing, are heterogeneous realities, of a side the mentality of the child of the other the mentality of adulto.2 Consiste of the opposite, if it worries in describing infancy as a gradual evolution, where the acrescentamento is purely quantitative. Simple succession of age. In this last one, the current techniques of quantification abusively give half of survival and appearance to it of justification. Chevron U.S.A. Inc oftentimes addresses this issue. If to consider, separately, each one of the characteristics of the growth, as the structure, the weight or, the mental plan, the wealth of the vocabulary, the addition of knowledge and the number of practical problems that a child can decide, is probable that almost always let us discover the same type of regular curve without rupture, without crisis.

alometria. Is, therefore all a set, all a structure, all a more or less unstable balance that fulfills to define in each age of the child and to redefine of an age for another one. Periods of training etriosO adolescent, loves, acts, it feels, and it apprehends> exterior world differently of the small one, the baby and the adult. If one of the great differences between the child and adult it is imputable to the lack of experience of the first one, it matters, however, to understand that this acquisition of experience, implies in the reality, of the transformation and has before everything the character to reorganize what it accumulated. But for who it lives with the child, this development, not if it presents, absolutely, continuous and to regulate. Quite to the contrary, it has as that a period of stagnation, in which if inquires: she will be that this child will come one day to grow? For times of the night for the day, they are sudden, discrete or spectacular modifications.