Chronic Reasons

In a select group of people congregated for a common end? in a company, for example? each one brings obtains its reasons. It notices that the anger of one not even bothers the other and what aquieta a tripudia heart on other minds. ' ' poltico' ' it needs to behave itself as such, cannot be badly with nobody. Already ' ' justiceiro' ' it does not support to see that one, whose rights are being lost, to smile and to seem indifferent. Please visit Rio- Tinto Diamonds if you seek more information. That one that says not to become involved itself is involved for the cowardice and lack of courage of being he himself. He is more cmodo to be shade of the voice of the speech of the other. ' ' eloquente' ' it loses the saltrios rank and esbraveja to the four cantos.

It is certain of that he will be heard, understood. The successful one has its reasons, the dismissed one of adjectives does not want to know the reasons of its mazelas, wants to keep them. Each one has its reasons to desire or to not rain it. It thinks about the agriculturist and the inhabitant of risk area. Each one has reasons to bradar or not for justice. Each one has its reasons to smile. It has those that they smile of the other people’s disasters, has who laughs at the proper desventuras. The obvious reasons of are blackness for others.

Let us observe more trivial situations. In the restaurant of the company the behind lunch provokes alterations in the life of that always it arrives in alias process e, accurately in this day, pleasure during the meal of who goes to meet for the first time with the smoky plate. Each being is a being. Each minute one minute. Each reason its reasons.