(RIVERO, 2004, P. 151) Masetto (1994, P. 96) points characteristics that must possess the formation of the professor: Fidget, curiosity and research. The knowledge is not finished; exploration of ‘ ‘ seu’ ‘ to know come from experience through the research and reflection on the same one; domain of specific area and perception of the place of this specific knowledge in a more general environment; overcoming of the spalling of the knowledge in direction to the holismo, the interrelacionamento knowing of them, the interdisciplinaridade; identification, exploration and respect to the new spaces of knowledge (telemtica); domain, valuation and use of the new resources of access to the knowledge (computer science); opening for a continued formation. When if it speaks in continued formation we need to have clarity on what it really means formation and of that it forms occurs. Deep quo is perceived then and important it is this concept, when related the professionals of the education, having to consist in space of production of new knowledge, of exchange to know, to rethink and to remake practical of the professor, being constructed the new abilities for the educator. It has felt to speak in formation? The insistence would not pass ahead of an idealistic utopia of the pragmatic necessities of the society of the market? It has that to rescue its direction ‘ ‘ pedaggico’ ‘ (bildung), for times so criticized for that they unlock speeches impregnated of ‘ ‘ modernismos’ ‘ , where the same one does not pass of cast of information, that more deform of what they form, even though because the term ‘ ‘ formao’ ‘ , in this conception, it finishes for being more entailed to one to know to make professional of what a solid professional formation. ‘ ‘ It could be said that, in its more habitual meaning, it sends to a process of preparation, to the times generic, the times specialized, with the intention to enable the individuals to the accomplishment of certain atividades.. Click Jeffrey Hayzlett to learn more.