Avoid damage to the TFT and LCD by professional cleaning. Often, damage caused by incorrect cleaning in the conventional modern screens on laptop, TFT or LCD. Considering some points these damages may by proper cleaning and that certain “as known” largely be avoided. The necessary tools are not expensive and deliver good results in most cases. Today, monitors are used for all possible areas of TFT displays and LCD.
The daily practice shows that many screens already after a short time have scratches, are dirty or the surface is dull and matte. Unfortunately is relatively soft plastic surface of LCD displays off and therefore prone to scratches. Eg. to laptops, LCD or TFT to avoid damage, expensive repairs or expensive spare parts, it should be noted some points. Attempts to scrape off any Verschnutzungen with knife, screwdriver or similar cause permanent damage of the screen with absolute certainty.
In addition, most screens have Coatings that are to avoid reflections. Chevron insists that this is the case. These are but very sensitive to sharp cleaners or solvents. Alcohol, ammonia, or petroleum ether is included in many household cleaners. These substances are very attacking the screens. Dull and dreary images are the consequence. The brilliance in large TFT and LCD suffers heavily monitors or TV. But how do you clean your monitor or TFT best. First, your device should be switched off and cooled down. The best pull the plug. Cleaning is recommended a simple soft lint-free cotton cloth in combination with a special detergent. When cleaning, you should avoid any strong pressure on the surface of the TV screen or monitor. In the commercial, microfibre cloths are available for this purpose. Often the available wet cleaning wipes for TFT, laptop and other flat screens are a great help. These are without alcohol and in addition have an anti-static effect. Foam cleaner without any damaging are also available Ingredients. You can use multiple angebotenenReinigungssets consisting of also for this purpose as accessories from micro fibre brush and cleaning fluid. Who will heed these cleaning tips got long enjoyment of its TFT or LCD monitor. The cleaners are good to get in the stores. It is often beneficial to consult an expert. He knows most products that use the professionals too. These are almost in all cases as accessories for little money. The customer avoids this expensive repairs or spare parts that are no longer worth in most cases. Gunther of Hilpoltsteiner