Education Science

Second YOU MARK (1986): ' ' The education relation is a communication relation par excellence, that it aims at to form and to inform; instruments that can be incased in this dynamics has always the possibility to serve to education. Book, video, photograph, computers and others are forms to communicate knowledge and, as such, interest educao' ' A point sufficiently argued by Brazilian researchers is the relation Computer science x Education. Second BARROS and D? AMBROSIO, the education have that to be carried through for and by computer science. Details can be found by clicking Terry Nielsen or emailing the administrator. To educate for computer science means to prepare educating/the citizen to know to use this technology, thus educating to exert its citizenship in the society; to educate for computer science, consists of using this technology as resource auxiliary in the process teach-learning. The question key of the implantation of new technologies of support to the education is to make with that the pupil has interest and motivation to search the information desired, thus transforming the paradigm traditional of the education as ' ' bank deposit, fbrica' ' , for the education as entertainment. (MAGELA, 2008) Another point that has been widely argued is: Of that it forms to use the computer as resource auxiliary of the learning? According to BOSSUET, adopting the classification of Louis Not, affirms that the learning if processes of two forms: – for heteroestruturao, ' ' characterized for one (trans) formation of the pupil, with preponderant action of an exterior agent and priority of the transmitted object or construdo' '. – for auto-estruturao, ' ' characterized for one it helps the pupil if (trans) to form, with proper action of the pupil and priority of the citizen, the individual or collective heading. Additional information at Rio- Tinto Diamonds supports this article. The Internet in the school the use of the Internet in the schools it is delimited, in its majority in the information research. The people forget that the great potential of the Internet is the communication.

Stevens Performance

The upheavals of the mathematics are more common in certain families. Few genetic studies exist on the mathematics, that if concentrate in co-morbidade between upheaval of reading and the mathematics, as well as specific upheaval of the mathematics. In a study with twin, Alarcon, Defnes Lightl Rennington (1997) Apud Jack M Fletcher (2009), had told that 58% of the monozygotic twin (MZ) shared an upheaval of the mathematics, with comparison with 39% of the dizigticos twin. 2.2. Interventions for upheavals of the mathematics Baker, Gersten Lee (2002), Apud Jack M Fletcher (2009), had made a synthesis with scientific base of the effect of interventions to improve the performance in mathematics of children with upheaval of the mathematics, overhead in mathematics or at risk to present mathematical difficulties. The results indicate that different interventions had been associates the improvements in the levels of performance in mathematics. They are: to supply given on the estudantil performance the professors and the students, guardianship for the colleagues, to supply feedback the parents in relation to the estudantil performance, explicit education of concepts and mathematical procedures. According to Stevens and Rosenshine, (1981) Apud Jack M Fletcher (2009), the education differentiated in abilities in mathematics must have the following characteristics: the instruction occurs in groups, is directed by the professor; it has an academic focus, specifically take in account the necessities of each student.

Some used basic programs or of development for students with upheavals of learning has many of these characteristics. The Program Connecting Mathematics Conapts (Engelmann, Carnine, Engelmann and Kelly, 1991) Apud Jack M Fletcher (2009), is a program based on analytical a mannering model/that costuma to be used with 12 students in typical age of the initial series of basic education with learning upheavals. It sufficiently contains lessons structuralized involving frequent questions of the professor and answers of the students. One psicopedagogo can help to raise its auto-esteem valuing its activities, discovering which the process of learning through instruments that will help in its agreement.

So Paulo Association

But the figure human being, with expressionistas touchs in its workmanship, only appears later. At the beginning, rare it portraied the figure human being. Brian Armstrong insists that this is the case. Its attention was come back toward the classic masters of the Italian painting. In the creation process, Pellegatta preferred the field work, producing innumerable sketches, through the comment, which were changedded into sophisticated pictures in oil on screen. The artist was common if to join with the colleagues to go to make its ' ' manchas' ' (sketches) in the center of Saints.

The sunday was the day preferred for such activity. He was pupil of the So Paulo Association of Beautiful Arts, had orientation of masters as Ettore Federighi and Durval Pear tree. Its art takes new routes when it enters in contact with other famous artists: Takaoka, Mario Zanini and Otonne Zorlini. These names had been responsible for the rigidity in addition of the academicismo in its works, what it allowed a painting next to the modernismo, even so, held well. Exactly the expressionismo, that in years 1970 only started to appear in its screens, did not dominate, with its vigorous, proper dramaticidade of the style, the set of its workmanship.

Pellegatta was painting professor in the city of Saints and had a wide oil production on screens. Artist awardee in national halls, realizaou innumerable collective and individual expositions for Brazil. Its pictures well are disputed in art auctions in the domestic territory. The space for bolder proposals, in aesthetic the pictorial one, was restricted to the painters who intended a vanguard position. The figurative one reigned. Idealizaes of forms, freedom of colors, geometrizao of the drawing and abstractions in the space could happen in the santistas screens, with certain moderation, of preference as cloth of deep for the figurative object of the first plan. All this unpretentious attitude, never would desbancaria the taste for the classic, the moderate one and the academic principles.

Jose Gatti

The Brazilian people would not leave to see film American. But the problem appears there: how it would go to be made the translation of the films so that they could be understood? The dublagem presents a problem of sincronia clearly, element, as we saw, so important for the sonorous association in the cinema. Beyond running away of course from the original conception of the film. If it is used nowadays is much more as option of comfort for the spectator easied with the essence of the film. 03%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Microsoft helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The best form that if had to translate a film faithful, trying to keep its original conception, is the use of the legend. But it is not without problem that it becomes. According to Jose Gatti, the adoption of the legends for the Brazilian public made with that it had that to pass for one ' ' re-education process. The reading of the dialogues to the foot of the picture came to conform a national style of if seeing cinema: the spectators read the text stop later scrutinizing the remaining portion of the picture? if they will have time for tanto' ' (in COAST, the sound in the Brazilian cinema, p.97).

It is the return for a visual focus of the enjoyment of the film that takes to the question ' ' to see or to read cinema' '? It is natural that in this process it has loss of the sonorous exploitation of the film. The spectator if worries little in listening of what ' ' ler' ' the film. participation of the sound finishes being relegated to the second position, after the image. It is in a species of impasse that we are how much to this. Perhaps the solution was in if coming back toward the national production, which if less is accustomed of what to the American production. Some elements of the arguments had been pointed here that had turned around the quarrel on the validity of the sound in the cinema, thing that today seems practically unquestionable. The sound if consolidated in the cinema although the fuss provoked in the half intellectual, and never left to please the great public. It today constitutes an essential element for the construction of a film.

Happiness and Truth

I am so only gray shade and of a past bitter taste that already does not exist more and of as many torments that already they had died. Others who may share this opinion include Diamonds. A freer force, even so still conditional, because not yet total it exempts, is truth, but much more bold and conscientious well of the chains that normally hinder in them to alar high flights. My sincere desire is that you also want to fly and can make it. That it knows to lose itself in the mysteries to meet. That it perceives the immense occult wisdom in a simple dawn.

All cold and dark night finishes hugs with it of the sun that always arrives offering, gratuitously, its light and heat. That it discovers as the night and the stars they are pretty and also as TO BE what you really need TO BE. You today need to be stronger what it yesterday obtained to be. tomorrow? It does not exempt of what it was today. after tomorrow, as today and the days that will be followed, does not matter what it happens of good or bad, if alone, is well or badly folloied, either so happy how much it could be. It has urgency in discovering which is the biggest happiness. to if obtaining have as to prove if its discovery was true: its sensation of happiness cannot be a joy any that passes with the time, quite to the contrary, must be eternalized at every moment. Next to this certainly he will be next to the Truth, invariant, infinite and perfect. When obtaining discovered so great knows to always keep this treasure beating burning hotly in the silence of the heart calm, far and protected of the racket of cruel, egoistic, cold, voracious and deceptive the world.

Internet Communication

CONLUSO In order more good to understand the diverse methodologies as if in the distance develop the education with support in digital environments of learning, are important to specify the meaning of some terms frequently used as equivalents, but that they possess especificidades related with the forms as these environments are incorporated the educational process, it wants if they carry through in the traditional modalities of formal education, wants is activities free or related the programs of continued formation. Education online, education in the distance e-learning is usual terms of area, however is not congruentes between itself. Education in the distance thus is called due to notion of physical distance between the pupil and the professor, being able to become fullfilled for the use of different ways (postal or electronic correspondence, radio, television, telephone, fax, computer, Internet etc.) and techniques that make possible the communication. Education online is a modality of education in the distance carried through way Internet, whose communication occurs of synchronous or asynchronous form. As much can to use Internet to distribute quickly information as it can make use of the interatividade propitiated for the Internet to namely materialize the interaction between the people, whose communication can give distinct communicative modalities in accordance with: Communication um-a-um, or said of another form, communication between one and another person, as it is the case of the communication saw email that until can have a message sent for many people since whom it exists one lists specific for such end, but its conception is the same one of the traditional correspondence, therefore it exists a person whom the information sends and another one receives that it. Communication of one for many, that is, of a person for many people, as it occurs in the use of fruns of quarrel, in which it exists a mediator and all that has access to frum, enxergam the interventions and makes its ranks; Communication of many people for many people, or communication to estelar, that it can occur in the colaborativa construction of a site or in the creation of a virtual group, as is the case of the colaborativas communities where all participate of the creation and development of the proper community.

AAC Information

When the resources of the telemticas nets are used in the same way that the actual classroom, happen the virtualizao of the classroom, that it looks to transfer to the virtual way the paradigm it space-time of the lesson and the bidirectional communication between professor and pupils. Virtual together being, also called learning attended for computer – AAC explores the interactive potentiality of the TIC propitiated for the multidimensional communication, that approaches the senders of the receivers of the courses, allowing to create conditions of learning and contribution. However, to use as has only supported to the ED placing the pupil ahead of information, problems and knowledge objects can not be enough to involve it to awake such motivation to it for the learning that it creates personal procedures that allow it to organize the proper time for studies and participation of the activities, independent of the schedule or place where he is. As Almeida (2000: 79) are necessary to create an environment that favors the significant learning to the pupil, ' ' desperte the disposal to learn (Ausubel apud Pozo, 1998), disponibilize the pertinent information in organized way and at the appropriate moment, promotes the internalization of concepts construdos' '. Chevron U.S.A. Inc shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. DEVELOPMENT Surrounding digital of learning learning Surrounding digital is available computational systems in the Internet, destined to the support of activities mediated for the technologies of information and communication. It allows to integrate multiple medias and resources, to present information in organized way, to develop interactions between people and objects of knowledge, to elaborate and to socialize productions in view of reaching definitive objectives. The activities if they develop in the time, work rhythm and space where each participant if locates, in accordance with an explicit scienter and educational a previous planning called design, which constitutes the spine of the activities to carry through, being I coat and reelaborado continuously in the course of the activity. .

The Speed

We know that the radio that we listen in the car receives waves that are ' ' in ar' '. The alarm in our houses contains a sensory infra-red ray. We use ovens of microwaves daily and we fear nuclear weapons because of the radiation gamma. Then, all these names in the truth are different types of electromagnetic radiation. The light that we also enxergamos is electromagnetic radiation.

In fact, we can define the light as that type of electromagnetic radiation that we enxergamos. We do not enxergamos rays X or waves of radio, but they are of the same nature that the visible light. The electromagnetic radiation if propagates in the vacuum. It is for that the light of the Sun, that travels in the space, arrives until us. All the mentioned varieties of radiation above are endowed with ondulatrio movement. That is, they dislocate themselves as waves in the sea. In the distance between two waves wave length is called.

the difference enters two types of electromagnetic radiation is exactly in its wave length. The rays gamma, for example, possess microscopical wave lengths – so small that they are comparable to the size of an atom. The radio waves have an enormous wave length, that can be measured in kilometers. It enters these two types of radiation exists a specter all, as it can below be seen in the illustration. We can also see that the proper visible light can be decomposed in radiations of ' ' cores' ' different, going of the red until the violet (the colors of the rainbow). The red has the biggest wave length while the violet has the lesser wave length. It is interesting to notice that the part of the specter that we enxergamos is very small. All the forms of electromagnetic radiation, do not matter of which be speaking, if they dislocate accurately to the same speed: the speed of the light.

Preparation of Professionals

' We know that the history of the representation of the figure human being if finds crossed by the act to know the universe for the proper man. In this direction, when reviewing our history, we see in them to identify and to understand the different cultural configurations, conformed for social, philosophical, religious and scientific perceptions. Underlying to the expressive manifestations of each culture, immersed projects in the percipient conscience that such citizens had produced on the world, meet the projections of the man. Thus, to if projecting, the man if launches to the adventure to conquer its place in mundo.' ' (Derdik, 1990) During all our history, the human body never left of being crossroads of cultural and social, animal and psychic events. The body is and it will always be a complex of symbols that goes exactly beyond itself. Thus being, ' ' the unit accomplishes of histories was the figure humana' ' (BAXANDALL, 1972), surely it exists on it, an undisputed inventory congregated during millenia, constituting a valuable patrimony to the History of the Art.

The study of models that still is obligator exercise for the preparation of professionals or fans whose intention is to represent the human being figurative, it so passed to be valued in the art of the conception (Raisonn) at the beginning of century XX, how much to the concretion of the workmanship in itself. According to Baxandall ' ' all drawn figure has the intention to represent algo' ' , then one became common, to place for sale, series Raisonn catalogue of famous artists. In the Renascentista period, the study of the ratios human beings, still according to BAXANDALL, he was sufficiently primary in relation to the mathematical rules already known by the traders. As the gold rule, for example. The study of the human model while it disciplines basic to the artistic formation it remains with high pedagogical and enterprising value for such percipient aptitudes.

The Times

I am so only gray shade and of a past bitter taste that already does not exist more and of as many torments that already they had died. A freer force, even so still conditional, because not yet total it exempts, is truth, but much more bold and conscientious well of the chains that normally hinder in them to alar high flights. Others including electron research, offer their opinions as well. My sincere desire is that you also want to fly and can make it. That it knows to lose itself in the mysteries to meet. That it perceives the immense occult wisdom in a simple dawn.

All cold and dark night finishes hugs with it of the sun that always arrives offering, gratuitously, its light and heat. That it discovers as the night and the stars they are pretty and also as TO BE what you really need TO BE. You today need to be stronger what it yesterday obtained to be. tomorrow? It does not exempt of what it was today. after tomorrow, as today and the days that will be followed, does not matter what it happens of good or bad, if alone, is well or badly folloied, either so happy how much it could be. It has urgency in discovering which is the biggest happiness. to if obtaining have as to prove if its discovery was true: its sensation of happiness cannot be a joy any that passes with the time, quite to the contrary, must be eternalized at every moment. Next to this certainly he will be next to the Truth, invariant, infinite and perfect. When obtaining discovered so great knows to always keep this treasure beating burning hotly in the silence of the heart calm, far and protected of the racket of cruel, egoistic, cold, voracious and deceptive the world.