New Union

Of these, nine are concentrated in Southeastern the south region/, region that verge with the main industrial polar regions makes (So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro) that BR-381 and BR-040 have as main road axles. Still one tells three occurrences in the region of the mining triangle. Amongst these occurrences, it was possible to identify that eleven of them had been related to the events of fallings and one of them related the collision, being that the occurrences who involve falling are generally associates to some type of spilling that, potentially, causes ambient impacts and damages. The accidents identified in the year of 2006 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 8 (Corrosive), for order of bigger occurrence. 6.2.

Analysis of the 2007 occurrences Is possible to identify, given a total of twelve occurrences, that of these ten of them had occurred in the cities of Is Domingos of the Silver, New Union, Juatuba, Extreme, Muria, Itatiaiuu, Uberlndia, Caranda, Jampruca, Lagoon of the Silver, beyond two accidents concentrated in the city of Belo Horizonte. Of these occurrences, six they are concentrated in the central region of Minas Gerais, being that the cities of occurrence of the accidents enclose the three main federal highways (BR-381, BR-040 and BR-262). How much to the remain of the occurrences, four are located in the south region, one in the northeast region, being these regions that make verge with the main industrial polar regions (So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro). Still, an occurrence in the region of the mining triangle is told. Ademais, became possible to identify that eight of the accidents had been related fallings and four of related them to the collisions, being that it is turned to detach it that the occurrences involving falling are, generally, associates to some type of spilling who cause ambient impacts and damages. The accidents identified in the year of 2007 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 4 (Solid Inflammable), for order of bigger occurrence.