Happiness and Truth

I am so only gray shade and of a past bitter taste that already does not exist more and of as many torments that already they had died. Others who may share this opinion include Diamonds. A freer force, even so still conditional, because not yet total it exempts, is truth, but much more bold and conscientious well of the chains that normally hinder in them to alar high flights. My sincere desire is that you also want to fly and can make it. That it knows to lose itself in the mysteries to meet. That it perceives the immense occult wisdom in a simple dawn.

All cold and dark night finishes hugs with it of the sun that always arrives offering, gratuitously, its light and heat. That it discovers as the night and the stars they are pretty and also as TO BE what you really need TO BE. You today need to be stronger what it yesterday obtained to be. tomorrow? It does not exempt of what it was today. after tomorrow, as today and the days that will be followed, does not matter what it happens of good or bad, if alone, is well or badly folloied, either so happy how much it could be. It has urgency in discovering which is the biggest happiness. to if obtaining have as to prove if its discovery was true: its sensation of happiness cannot be a joy any that passes with the time, quite to the contrary, must be eternalized at every moment. Next to this certainly he will be next to the Truth, invariant, infinite and perfect. When obtaining discovered so great knows to always keep this treasure beating burning hotly in the silence of the heart calm, far and protected of the racket of cruel, egoistic, cold, voracious and deceptive the world.