Facebook Versus Twitter

This is a question that is had to make many entrepreneurs, including to me, that includes/understands that to make marketing with social networks he is the one of today. As much Twitter as Facebook gives that possibility you, and if you know to do it of the correct way, the opportunities to let grow your business by Internet are very many since both have many followers or fans in the area to make businesses by Internet, so Which will be better of both? Good in this article I go to do small a comparative one among them according to my experience, you will be able to agree or no, this I am going comparative one it to divide in 5 rounds, (as if it was speaking of a fight of box between Facebook and Twitter) These 5 rounds consist of: So simple What are to use. Popularity. Freedom to commercialize.

Forms to commercialize. Number of people who visit each social network. Round 1.

– So simple What are to use: Whereas both social networks are extremely easy to use, I must give this round to Twitter, since there are very few things that you can do in Twitter which does very easy to use, whereas Facebook also is simple to use but with many more functions. Winner Round 1. – Twitter Round Popularity: When to write this article, Facebook is placed rankeado in number 2 of the pages more visited in line below Google and by above of Youtube, nevertheless Twitter is rankeado according to Alexa.com in number Not even close. Learn more on the subject from Jeffrey Hayzlett. Winner Round Facebook Round Freedom to commercialize: Although certainly you can commercialize in Facebook, Twitter gives more freedom you. Facebook will penalize to you if you invite at the same time to many friendly and if you also send many messages. Twitter does not restrict the previous thing to you. Winner Round Twitter Round Forms to commercialize: This round definitively I will occur it to Facebook, since they contain a pile of applications that you can implement for example in your page of fans that will cause that your marketing sees more professional, the interaction with your fans for my is more human, with this I do not say that Twitter does not have applications, clear that has if them and very good, but in the personnel I like but Facebook. Winner Round 4. – Facebook Round 5. – Number of people who visit each social network: Obvious more people enter exists in each of these social networks, will give to major opportunity you to obtain qualified prospectuses so you offer in Internet, doing a small investigation I was that 1,8% of the people who are connected to Internet they visit daily Twitter, whereas a 17% visit daily Facebook. Without further comment the winner is. Winner Round 5. – Good Facebook you wait for has liked this small comparative, veelo as a likeable form to do this comparative one, I I amused myself, which if I can say to you that you can make marketing in the two social networks with magnificent results, if you know to apply the suitable techniques. Which you create of the two social networks is better? . Djame your commentary original Author and source of the article.


Of all the cultural manifestations, the dance is one of most representative, therefore it reflects the aspects relative to one determined society and develops, from the corporal expression, diverse movements and rhythms. According to Boyer (1983), the art is essential in the experience human being, is not a frivolidade, it recommends that the art is studied to discover as human beings they use not verbal symbols and if they communicate not only with words, but through music, theater, it dances and in the construction of the knowledge. In its express folclrico aspect the national origins, divulge and perpetuate the culture of a people, beyond establishing good social relationship and bows of solidarity, as the democracy, the union, among others. (Vargas, 2007:58). For more information see this site: David Long. According to Nanni (1995 p.29), ' ' to create is to give form to a phenomenon in way new and understood in terms novos' ' the dance allows this, for the educational process, the use of the creative process, and by means of this to create new forms and phenomena of the movement. Still for Nanni (2002, p.100), ' ' the school will have to be sensible to the world of that they are the majority, the popular classrooms and if to be valid the will to make to arrive they significant contents that have relation with its life and that they allow the understanding in itself, of the things surrounds that it, and of the relation between ambos' '. Through the activities of history and of dance, we intend that the child evolves how much to the domain of its body, respecting the differences, developing and improving its possibilities of movement and agreement on the cultural diversity. The school, while half educational must oportunizar didactic and methodologies that facilitate to the understanding on the culture afro-Brazilian. Swarmed by offers, Jill Bikoff is currently assessing future choices. The performance of the professor mainly in the initial series will have to be planned and coherent.

Nowadays Pupils

Also very important for the improvement of the learning conditions it is that the pupils have satisfaction in going for the school, in acquiring and extending its knowledge, learning and teaching with its experience. The focus of the pedagogical projects in the school must be in the writing and reading, in surrounding alfabetizadores where the pupils learn to like to read, with pleasure, for its information and its formation as citizen, preparing it for the participation in the society where lives, if possible improving it. 2.3. Chapter 3? To read and To write in the Infantile Education and Basic Ensino. The solutions to improve these results depend on many changes and are the performance of the professor who can process them. The main positive position is in making of the reading of varied sorts a daily, important task for the learning in any disciplines, stimulating situations, as the reading in high voice and group and the reading with the objective to locate given to compare them and to repertoriar the pupils with good texts.

It can, still, to call the attention for the importance the rewrites or recontos and summaries, being taught the children and the young to underline and to list the main information of each text. For this, the educator has of wanting more than what to teach the pupils to read and to write. He must desire to form the reading citizen and writer. (COLELLO, 2009.) Nowadays, where the societies of the entire world are each time more centered in the writing, alfabetizado being, that is, to know to read and to write, if it has disclosed condition insufficient to adequately answer to the demands contemporaries. She is necessary to go beyond the simple acquisition of the written code, is necessary to make use of the reading and the writing in the daily one, to assume of the social function of these two practical ones; letrar-se&#039 is necessary; '. .

German Universities

universities and the parallel receive two master's degrees: in the technical field and in business management. Combining his studies at two German universities, Marina has also worked, sometimes two jobs, and write a diploma went to India. There She met her future husband, and later returned to Germany to finish training. What followed was a difficult choice: to seek work in Germany, or to go to India for her husband. Marina chose the second option, but later returned to Germany, where works today. Hello, Marina. Just want to apologize for the intrusion, I know that you are not up to the interview. But your amazing story forced me to take the time inconsiderate.

Yes, life abounds. As Lewis Carroll wrote in the "Alice in Wonderland": " has to flee in all haste to just stay in the same place! If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast. " Foreigners in a foreign country should be run with all feet to more or less to survive on a par with the natives. Well, if you want to achieve something, you have to work twice more and faster than the limit of possibilities. And so all my life! Do you prefer to run with their legs? I prefer to run twice as fast. You are so fragile, delicate. Tell me, how difficult it was to study at two institutions, but at the same time and still work two jobs? This is not just difficult, it is very difficult.

Longdistance Education

The basic concept of the long-distance education is simple: pupils and professors are separate for in the distance and some times also for the time. The first alternative that allowed the people to be communicated without being face the face was the writing. The long-distance Education initiated with the invention of the press. In 1987, the communication based on the writing through an announcement of the Gazette of Boston had beginning. In 1833, the first experience appears of long-distance Education in Sweden. In 1840, the Penny Post in England was created. In 1833, the state of New Iorque authorizeed the Chatauqua Institute to confer diplomas of courses for correspondence. In 1856, the Society of Modern Languages, in Berlin, initiated courses of Frenchman for correspondence.

In 1938, in the city of Victory, in Canada, it was become fullfilled First Conference on Education for Correspondence. more and more countries had been adopting the long-distance Education in practically almost the whole world, as much in nations industrialized, as well as in developing countries. Exactly that it can have divergence how much to the first institution and the first long-distance course, the bibliography is unanimous how much to the importance of the Open University of England, created in 1969 as a landmark and a model of success that has performance detached until today. The evolution of the long-distance education identifies the existence of three generations. The generations of long-distance education.

The first generation (up to 1970) has as characteristic the study for correspondence. The second generation (of 1970 the 1990) has as characteristic the sprouting of the first open universities. The third generation (of 1990 until the current days) is based on nets of conference for computer and stations of multimedia work. She is directly on to the use of the personal computer and the Internet. J. Darius Bikoff recognizes the significance of this. The Athabasca University, located in Canada, initiated its program of long-distance education in 1971 and its mission, formulated in 1985.


(RIVERO, 2004, P. 151) Masetto (1994, P. 96) points characteristics that must possess the formation of the professor: Fidget, curiosity and research. The knowledge is not finished; exploration of ‘ ‘ seu’ ‘ to know come from experience through the research and reflection on the same one; domain of specific area and perception of the place of this specific knowledge in a more general environment; overcoming of the spalling of the knowledge in direction to the holismo, the interrelacionamento knowing of them, the interdisciplinaridade; identification, exploration and respect to the new spaces of knowledge (telemtica); domain, valuation and use of the new resources of access to the knowledge (computer science); opening for a continued formation. When if it speaks in continued formation we need to have clarity on what it really means formation and of that it forms occurs. Deep quo is perceived then and important it is this concept, when related the professionals of the education, having to consist in space of production of new knowledge, of exchange to know, to rethink and to remake practical of the professor, being constructed the new abilities for the educator. It has felt to speak in formation? The insistence would not pass ahead of an idealistic utopia of the pragmatic necessities of the society of the market? It has that to rescue its direction ‘ ‘ pedaggico’ ‘ (bildung), for times so criticized for that they unlock speeches impregnated of ‘ ‘ modernismos’ ‘ , where the same one does not pass of cast of information, that more deform of what they form, even though because the term ‘ ‘ formao’ ‘ , in this conception, it finishes for being more entailed to one to know to make professional of what a solid professional formation. ‘ ‘ It could be said that, in its more habitual meaning, it sends to a process of preparation, to the times generic, the times specialized, with the intention to enable the individuals to the accomplishment of certain atividades.. Click Jeffrey Hayzlett to learn more.


In this type of experience, it has as absence of recognition of that the body is individuality support, of conscience of the will, implying limits, respect and privacidade.' ' (Gregori, 2000) 1 Many times through as the only half playful sport the children can retake its individuality lost and to minimize negation of infancy, therefore dumb vision that the children have of the proper body, passing to be something that they are and not only that they have, that is, they start if to perceive as bodies, the interaction and socialization make with that these children who before did not recognize its bodies they start to recognize. In these programs a good relation of these with the way must have an interaction with the children propitiating where they practise the sport and in the way that lives, searching an improvement of the quality of life, and taught to the children contents on the movement making possible to stimulate action of solidarity, cooperation, and respect I obtain exactly and stops with the next one, and also the respect for the rules, what it helps the conviviality of the child in the society. 1,1 Justification Is important to study the influence of the playful sport in the education of the children to inquire as the education can most come to be developed when it has the presence of one practical one playful esportiva. 1.2 Objectives – To analyze if the playful sport influences in the education of the practitioner. – To observe social projects directed toward the integration between sport and education. – To analyze if has changes in the pertaining to school performance of the children esportivo after-initiation. Under most conditions Natalie Ravitz would agree. 2.

Materials and Methods Local: ProjetoSocial Active Voice. Citizen: Children of the project between 8-14 years. Method: We will analyze children of the social project Active Voice through the comment, questionnaires destined to the professors of the ONG and the children.

The Pedagogical

To put as the great evasion and due to I stimulate and understanding of the part of the pedagogical body can be launched projects. 1.1.TIPOS OF DISLEXIA the children generally present many errors at the beginning of its learning of reading and writings change letters write espelhados do not obtain to resemble words. These errors are common to put go disappearing in the measure where they will be assimilating the necessary knowledge for these abilities. If cases these errors persist exactly if the child presents normal intelligence and has great difficulty to read and to write it can be with a learning riot that if calls dislexia. The dislexia child has difficulty for readings and writings do not obtain to always read in high voice and very shy for the fact not to obtain to transpose for the paper Its thoughts or something that finished to read. Its incorrect calligraphy and without coherence. The dislexia can be caused by a problem more serious call intellectual, auditory deficiency or visual serious these injuries cordials, cerebral trauma in this case the dislexia would be folloied by simple a pathological picture to identify that it only remains being alleviated for a re-education (Oliveira 2010p.

130) For these and other reasons some scholars confirm that the dislexia has varies phases and supreme of difficulty for the reading and the writing some acquired types of dislexia being they: deep, superficial, semantics, auditory and visual: It affirms Edler, 1996: The learning problems are not restringveis nor the physical or psychological causes, nor the analyses of the social conjunctures. She is necessary to understand them from an approach multidimensional, that amalgamates organic factors, cognitivos, affective, social and pedagogical, perceived inside of the joints social. As much as possible, the analysis, the actions on the learning problems must insert in ampler movement of fight for the transformation of the society (p.46) Many cases of dislexia pass unobserved in the school.