The Temperature

The bed alone could be reused after suffering the process from disinfection to receive the new lot, in case of sanitary problems, occurrence in the other lot, hinders its reutilizao. But in case that the bed is reused, she is necessary to carry through some basic procedures, as: cleanness and disinfection; to open the aviary for ventilation; to remove filled with paste parts; to proceed to the burning of the penalties; to remove the bed old of the shed so that it suffers fermentation in another installation; to humidify the bed case it is dries; to return the bed it shed and to disinfect it to remove you vary it times until the humidity reaches 20 25% (LANA, 2000). Creation in Circles of Protection the function of these circles is to protect the pintinhos of airflows. In its assembly, they are used plates of eucatex, duratex, compensated and metallic leves, with one campnula made use in the center of this I circulate (SAINTS et al, 2009). The height of these the 0,60 circles can vary enters 0,40 m, with 3 diameter m, capacity to lodge 500 pintinhos. In the winter use of double circles is advised to it. Its withdrawal can be made from 10 day (LANA, 2000).

Systems of Heating the heating system has for function auxiliary in the heating of the shed, mainly during the winter. This must occur at least one three hours before the arrival of the pintinhos and must remain active for at least 15-20 days. The control of the temperature can be carried through by thermostat (LANA, 2000). Water systems the water must be to the disposal of the pintinhos the all time (SAINTS et al, 2009). supply of the water must be clean, not estagnado and descontaminado always. The temperature must be ideal, enters 10 12C, therefore, cold or very very hot water can harm the development of the pintinhos.