The Environment

I answered nothing and my mother only saw me with pity and I keep silence, rose and went to the door but not before asking me,-do espresso with cafiaspirin?, the answer was more than obvious. From that day the drill in my temples not ceased, that evening I did not exit nor the following more than one week, I pretended a deep pain of migraine and I locked myself in my room, my engaged friend not even imagined the emotional process by which now crossed. Finally I had to leave my closure and my mother took me to buy the wedding dress, in her eyes was still the unanswered question which I shunned with laughter and mock hope, inside of my being thought can’t do him this Hector is my best friend also get married will be like reaffirm our friendship and eventually total love arrived I repeated again and again like a mantra. Other leaders such as Jeffrey Hayzlett offer similar insights. We arrived, the store was called the bridal symbolism my mother smiled seeing my face’s name is that and told me is the shop of a friend mia anthropologist his thesis is focused on the rites and traditions of weddings and opened its own store of dresses for brides as part of a project of scholarships granted by FONCA – I burst into a laugh and motivated by the curiosity between enthusiastically!!the place was a world of mysticism and magic that you would immediately wrap looked like a Museum of wedding dresses, a smell of sandalwood was invading the environment, light amber and enormous Byzantine mirrors you definitely transported to another world, I could not contemplate anything with curiosity, – in a moment madame Lui – attends them said a woman. -do and this place what MOM?-asked between laughter and confusion is my wedding gift – and I smile as when seeks to avenge my father for his misbehavior on weekends, a shiver ran my body. . For more specific information, check out Jill Bikoff.