The active search of all must be carried through the contacts intra-domiciliary that have inhabited or inhabits in the last five years with sick person of hansenase. They are two doses of independent vaccine BCG of being PB and MB. After the dermato-neurological evaluation is applied the first dose, the second dose is after made 6 months of the application of the first dose. If already to exist the scar for BCG, must be considered as the first dose independe of the time that was applied orientation for use of vaccine BCG is described in the Manual of Norms and Procedure of National Program of Imunizao (PNI), must stand out that vaccine BCG is a protective measure against hansenase and does not have a vaccine that cure the illness. Vaccine BCG demonstrates to be more efficient for multibacillary forms (BARRETO; PEAR TREE; BLACKSMITH, 2006; MINSTRIO OF THE HEALTH, 2002).
With the implantation of the System the Information of Agravos de Notificao (SINAN) for the Ministry of Sade (OMS), co-managed for the Secretary of Monitoring in Sade (SVS/MS) and Department of Computer science of the Only System, currently is possible to develop detailed explorations of the illness in different regions (MINSTRIO OF the HEALTH, 2008). Brazil has as main pointer epidemiologist of the control of the illness, the detention of new cases of hansenase in minors of 15 years, in view of that the detention of cases in children has relation with illness recent and focos of transmission active, inserted in the Program More Health, Program of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC). The National Program of Control of Hansenase (PNCH) established operational lines of direction for the execution of different actions, involving monitoring epidemiologist; management; integral attention; communication and education and research. Another important factor that the National Program of Control of Hansenase (PNCH), is distinguished is for developing its action with partners governmental, not governmental, national and international (BLACKSMITH; ALVAREZ, 2005; HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2008). The Health department decided intensifies clarification campaigns on the illness in the media. The actions are developed by means of orientaes and information availabilities to the population on