Creating Agency

Art. Jeffrey Hayzlett is full of insight into the issues. 25 “Management of pension reserves and investing pension funds,” Federal Law “On Private Pension Funds” dated May 7, 1998 75-FZ, n.

6: “6. At placing funds in the pension reserve fund residential property must provide the authorized federal body of data on the assessment of real property by an independent appraiser, who is licensed to carry out this activity in accordance with the requirements established by legislation of the Russian Federation. ” 11. Art. 3.27 “Secured Bonds” Federal Law “On the securities “of April 22, 1996 39-FZ, n. 1:” … Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with THE HAYZLETT GROUP. The property, which is the subject of mortgage bonds secured by a pledge, should be evaluated by the appraiser. ” 12.

Art. 10 “Mutual fund cooperative” federal law “On production Cooperatives “May 8, 1996 41-FZ, paragraph 2:” … Evaluation of share contribution in excess of two hundred and fifty by federal law the minimum wage should be done by an independent appraiser. ” 13. Art. 2 “PSA” of the Federal Law “On Production Sharing Agreements” dated December 30, 1995 225-FZ, paragraph 4 “… Subsoil user prior to the date of the auction must submit to the authority which issued the license to use subsoil, the evaluation report of the property complex, inextricably linked to the right of subsoil use, produced by an independent appraiser conducting its activities in accordance with Russian legislation and the draft contract for the sale of the property complex in whole or in part. ” 14.

Federal Law

To carry out this activity involves the bankruptcy trustee independent appraisers and other professionals with payment for their services at the expense of the debtor's property, unless another source of payment are not set by the creditors meeting (the creditors' committee). Assessment of the debtor's property by an independent appraiser, unless otherwise stipulated by this Federal Law … 2. Property of the debtor – the debtor or a unitary enterprise – joint stock company, over twenty-five percent of the voting shares of which are state or municipal property, assessed by an independent appraiser with the idea of making a state financial control body for the assessment, except provided for in paragraph 3 of this article. 3.

Based on the decision of the meeting of creditors or the creditors' committee evaluation of movable property of the debtor, book value of the last reporting date prior to bankruptcy is less than one hundred thousand, can be carried out without the involvement of an independent appraiser. " Art. 139 "Sale of the assets of the debtor," section 5: "5. The initial selling price of the property put up for auction the debtor is determined by an independent appraiser, unless otherwise stipulated by this Federal Law. " Art. 179 "features the sale of property and property rights, agricultural organizations": "… The advantage of right to acquire the assets of the debtor are persons engaged in the manufacture or production or processing of agricultural products and owning a parcel of land immediately adjacent to the land portion of the debtor.

3. The liquidator in the sale referred to in paragraph 2 of this property and property rights required to conduct an independent valuation of property and property rights and to offer persons referred to in paragraph 2, to acquire property and property rights appraised value. " Art. 207 "Consideration of the arbitration court of the bankruptcy case of a citizen", Section 1: "… Interim Manager to consideration by the arbitral tribunal of the bankruptcy case provides an independent assessment of the debtor's property …. " Art. 222 "Procedures for the sale of property and property rights of peasant (farmer) facilities": "2. Preemptive right to acquire property of a peasant (farmer's) economy are those engaged in agricultural production and owning land directly adjacent belonging to the peasant (individual) farm land. 3. The liquidator in the implementation referred to in paragraph 2 of this property and the property rights of peasant (individual) management is obliged to conduct an independent valuation of property and property rights and to offer individuals referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, buy property and proprietary rights of the appraised value. "

Cases Required Assessment Part

The estimate for inheritance purposes Art. 1115 “The Place of opening the inheritance,” the third part of the Civil Code: “… The value of the property is determined on the basis of its market value.” Art. 1172 “Measures for the Protection of heritage,” the third part Russian Civil Code: “1. For the protection of heritage notary performs an inventory of the estate, in the presence of two witnesses … In the production of inventory may be present executor, heirs and appropriate representatives of the guardianship authority. According to the persons referred to in the second paragraph of this paragraph shall be by agreement between the heirs of the estate assessed.

In the absence of an agreement rating of the estate or any part thereof in respect of which no agreement is reached, is made by an independent appraiser at the expense of the person demanded assessment of the estate, with subsequent distribution of these costs among the heirs in proportion to the value received by each of them an inheritance … “. Art. 5 “The order of calculation and payment of tax,” federal law “On taxes on property rolling through inheritance or donation “from December 12, 1991 2020-1, Clause 2:” 2. Assessment of housing (apartments), cottages, garden shed, passing into the ownership of an individual by way of inheritance or gift is made bodies of public utilities or insurance.

Assessment of means of transport insurance, and other organizations who have the right to perform these actions. Assessment of other property performed by experts. ” 7. Privatization of State and Municipal Property (Federal Law “On privatization of state and municipal property” of 21 December 2001 178-FZ), Art. 12 “Pricing subject to privatization of state or municipal property, “Section 2:” 2. The initial price of the privatized state or municipal property is set in the cases provided for in this Federal Act on the basis of the evaluation report of the state or municipal property, prepared in accordance with Russian legislation on valuation activities.