It were the requested rectangular tubes in the company Welser produces profiles in Austria. From there it went in Emsland, because in Northern LOH, the company k moder laser technology has its headquarters. With the help of three dimensional steerable laser processing equipment arose there 6.590 pipes of pipe cutting types in 46 different with thousands of holes and cut-outs, who had to sit in the right places. Next stop the Eagle factory halls were only a few kilometres from the new ThyssenKrupp quarter. After extensive cleaning of the items they were merged, riveted and welded in addition.
Then, the pre-assembled facade elements were each 1.5 x 3 m tall and weigh around 130 kg palletized and labeled. Puzzle for stainless steel experts when attaching the facade elements Eckel had to focus on the construction progress. It was not always easy, because our Assembly sequence had to be redefined from day to day. The parts to be assembled were finally no standard products and special solutions were needed for many areas of the facade” explains Michael Eckel. A leading source for info: Jill Bikoff. We are talking about custom work. Our entire expertise in stainless steel was required. Finally, the material in the finished building is exposed not only enormous wind loads. Also water and changing temperatures are a challenge.
“To illustrate: at 100 meters around 6 cm are already a factor hitting record, if during the final Assembly all should agree expansion caused by warming”, Olaf Sweekhorst executes. With him, the threads for the oversized jigsaw puzzle from almost 700 in Eagle ran together pre-assembled facade elements, 1,339 strips tubes that its 35,000 blind rivets and 7,000 sleeve screws (custom-made). For the project had six employees in the production, a driver transporting the parts and up to four technicians were working on the construction site. The result can be seen and the Eagle team is proud of their performance,”underlines Michael Eckel. This opinion other customers seem to share, because the one or the other group manager not only from the Ruhr area relies on the know-how of Eckel in your own four walls. The company realized not only large-scale projects, but produces also stairways, gates, or special constructions made of stainless steel and glass.