Cultural Marketing

Raquel Ilga Etges the REVOLVING PALCO AS INSTRUMENT OF CULTURAL MARKETING OF the SESC Palms 2005 Raquel Ilga Etges Monograph presented as requisite partial of disciplines of Experimental Project in Advertising and Propaganda II? Monograph of the Course of Social Communication with Qualification in Advertising and Propaganda of the CEULP/ULBRA? University center Luterano de Palmas, under orientation of the Prof Giovani Souza Guedes SUMMARY ETGES, Raquel Ilga. The Revolving Palco as instrument of Cultural Marketing of the SESC. 73. 2005. Monograph (Social Communication with Qualification in Advertising and Propaganda) University Center Luterano de Palmas, Luterana University of Brazil, Palms – Tocantins. To invest today in culture is not alone a concern of the public institutions, each time grows the number of private companies whom they invest in this tool of communication. In view of the setting of its marks and the positive endorsement before the public, many companies obtain the law of tax incentives, what she facilitates still more cultural sponsorship. A project of national reputation, developed for the SESC, gains the streets of entire Brazil taking theater and dances and the name of the institution for where it passes, firming its mark and having the popular support.

It is the Revolving Palco, today a consolidated and respected project where it acts. A theoretical research is presented here on the cultural marketing, its effectiveness and purpose. still one searches with the freqentador public of Revolving the Palco project, with the objective to analyze if it has recognition of the public of whom the SESC is the manager of the project. Word-key: Cultural marketing, SESC, Revolving Palco. Read more here: Rio Tinto Group. 1. PRESENTATION the cultural marketing is enters the diverse tools of the communication used by the companies and institutions as form of spreading and setting of its marks, products or services. This area of performance of the communication offers advantages for the companies, artists, producers and the public whom a cultural event sanctions.

The Quality

at this time those had not been few that, having dived in the work, had finished if forgetting ' ' adubar' ' its tax of empregabilidade as, for example, studying, for, the least, to remain itself inside in an acceptable standard of the work market. These people had perceived others late who had been the edge of the process. After much time, this situation was being, obligatorily better evaluated, since a simple exploration was not more than to natural resources or a simple economic exploration, for colonial pact. But yes, the necessity to create conditions of the ingression of new nations in the context of the economic relations, to produce substances cousins and to consume industrialized products. The industries needed to develop modern systems of transports, communication, mechanization of agricultural production and new forms to explore the natural resources as power plant. From the century XX it starts to appear a production in mass, the society of abundncias and the crises of the production excess that if it all reflected in the structural process of the economy. This was to the time of fast industrialization, where the man had that to be fit to the new system of production.

For return of the years the 80 companies start to strengthen the trend, mobilizing themselves to adjust to the quality systems, the concerns for productive international certificates. Use of the certificates of the ISO also starts if to develop much more it, and the quality starts to be only factor, so that the companies conquer these certificates. Behavior the behavior shows the importance of the motivation in the subconscious mind, SIGMUND FREUD was one of the first ones to recognize the importance of the subconscious motivation, believing that, nor always, the people are conscientious of what they really want Concludes that good part of its behavior is dictated by reasons or subconscious necessities.