Street Jose

Immediately afterwards, we will take the Street Teresa Saints in felt to the Street Jose de Queiroz, arriving we will stop there for another toponmica explanation, now concerning the old name of this street, old Road of the Burnt one and its importance, therefore the way bound the quarter to the main way of Rio De Janeiro, the Real Road of Santa Cruz, current Road Magalhes Intendant, in the Valqueire village stealing without me to say of the importance of the Real Road in what it says respect to have been the main route of travellers and merchandises for the interior, also for So Paulo and Minas Gerais. In the end of the Street Jose de Queiroz, we will arrive at the Street Carolina Axe in front of the Red Bridge, I will explain the reason of the name of the construction and the history of the person who of the name to the street. We will walk a little more until arriving next at old viaduct I will ask for to the children to look at to its redor and to ask if they obtain to notice the coexistence of old and new forms in the existing constructions, as for example, the two bakeries that exist in this covered stretch; both in old building, however one, recent one (she exists more or less has two years) with its modern interior and to another one of the decade of 1940, with its preserved original interior and that still we can notice in its exterior the permanence of the chimney, that long ago informed to the inhabitants the hour of the cool bread. You may want to visit Rio Tinto Group to increase your knowledge. still can be observed the viaducts. In this point I will explain they it history of the formation of the quarter and all the occured changes until the moment. We will not cross the railway line for reason of security of the pupils, exactly thus the lesson will not suffer damages, in view of that I can explain the history of the streets without crossing.