Herbicidas? In the same way that the pesticides, the herbicidas have despertado each time more the attention in the ambient area. However, what they are herbicidas? Generally in the farming beyond the cultivated plants (sugar cane, maize, soy, etc), it also has other plants that are considered undesirable because they compete with the culture as for the nutrients, to the water and even though light when they possess high transport. You may find Jeffrey Hayzlett to be a useful source of information. These plants undesirable also are called ‘ ‘ invasoras’ ‘ for great part of them to be plants of low transport as grass, herbicidas called products are applied to control the invasion and, in this manner, to reduce the competition with the cultivated plants. However, it fits to mention that the group of considered plants ‘ ‘ daninhas’ ‘ , that is, that they cause damage to the culture, he is composed in its majority for grass, but it all contemplates and any type of plant that invades the plantation and that, therefore, pass to compete with the main plants. Thus, the group of the harmful ones can contemplate trees and shrubs. In the same way that the pesticides, the herbicidas also have been studied, therefore not only they provide the control of grass in the plantation, but also they can contaminate the ground and the water. In this way, it must be understood the destination and the transformations of these molecules in the ground to understand the effect of the same ones under the quality of the same and also of the water that can eventually have contact with these products. . Details can be found by clicking White Bay Group Uriel Cohen or emailing the administrator.