The Love

In this we know that we are in it, and it in us, therefore that gave in them of its Spirit. we saw, and we testify that the Father sent its Son for Salvador of the world. Any that to confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God is in it, and it in God. we know, and believe in the love that God has in them. God is love; who is in love is in God, and God in it.

In that is perfect the love it stops with us, so that in the day of the judgment let us have confidence; because, which it is, is we also in this world. In the love it does not have fear, before the perfect love launches except the fear; because the fear has I obtain the penalty, and what it fears he is not perfect in love. We love it because it loved in them first. If somebody says: I love the God, and hate its brother, am lying. Therefore who does not love its brother, which saw, as he can love the God, to who did not see? of it we have this order: that who loves the God, also loves its brother. (I Jo 4:7 – 21). The words of Joo in them bring a teaching of Jesus, who is absolutely basic, in such a way as soon as integrated the sunday conjunct, that one that must every day be repeated: Therefore, it will pray thus: Father ours, that you are in skies, santificado either your name; He comes your kingdom, either made your will, thus in the land as in the sky; The bread ours of each day in the ones of today; pardons us our debts, as well as us pardons our debtors; you do not induce in them to the temptation; but it exempts us of the evil; because yours it is kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.


Doubt we corrode these days: do succeed the new mmo with share titles planned for this year? No longer is just if they are translated or not (can you hear me, Rift?), if not you own model of payment for fee against the so-called free2play is undergoing a complete renovation and more beef than ever: Re-thinking, re-vision, re tendrils!. And this is why it so? If it is clear that 12-14 euros per month, if you are a regular player, are more than well invested, (has someone been to the cinema lately?. And no, the quota of megavideo does not have), and that, in many cases, a hardcore player can spend 200 euros on objects in-gam in unspeakable titles free2play, as we have already confessed in any post within But it seems many companies giving them something of vertigo what: very well, but the entry where come? Because we have to be creative, friends. Learn from the sector online newspapers. How you you think that us finance? From charity? From subsidies? And Yes clear, secure that brand Player would cost our readers 1.9 eurytus if had not been made, every month, the triple somersault on rope (a little loose, addition) so the advertising feed editors, their children, their pets and as the thing stays that way, grandparents and relatives empepitados. PEMCO: the source for more info. But returning to the subject of the free2play and breaking a lance (this curious expression, insurance that would not be able nor of fly it) by creative actions: DC Universe Online has lowered the quota for three months a quantity spectacular (40%), and that being the capping of these first three months of the year. Star Wars: The Old Republic offers more doubts than certainties, and Moreover, it is possible that Warhammer Online is with media server and a client only translated into esperanto, including one of the most interesting titles for various devices of these months: World of Dragons, still doesn’t dare with the Unlimited game time.

(Friends, you do not corteis and put it already). It is clear that the mmo sector is undergoing a change we are experiencing in first person. But it is that this is so because the business of the mmo, at all levels, goes for a very different path from the rest of traditional titles in its perspective of hype-preview-review and that, I hope that Anmynor, the first Spanish mmo, newcomers friends have it clear. Our support will not miss them.

Social Nets

From the moment that the collaborator if feels part vital of the company, it will go to raise the flag and to take its participation in the projects and businesses for its social nets online. The advantages of this process are the motivated and involved employees, what it results in faced projects as part of the professional, making with that it if strengthens and if dedicates still more. It involves the consumer still more, since it folloies the process before its conclusion all. also demonstrates a transparent company, collaborating divulging content internal that is a more modern and transparent company, remembering that the divulged content does not have to compromise the project, case some information cannot be divulged by strategical questions of market. What she is necessary it is to leave well clearly what it can be divulged, where and as. Research discloses that great companies make the use of social nets for businesses. The MWeb, agency of communication specialized in digital medias, concluded in a study carried through in Brazil, that 36% of the great Brazilian companies use social nets for businesses.

Amongst them if they detach the Twitter in first place with 43,4%, in according to Youtube with 20,2%, Orkut and Facebook respectively appear in third and room place with 15,6% and 11%, and blogs corporative is less used for the companies, only 9.8% uses this canal. Maciel (2010). Figure 7. The use of Social Nets in the Brazilian companies In the reality, the prohibition of social nets is useless; employee they go to use these tools in any way. The majority of the companies, for example, had discovered that the forbidden use them IM (Instantaneous Messages) results in employed that they use one ' ' miscelnea' ' of tools of instantaneous messages, without no control or of security in the workstation. When adopting tools of social nets and the creation of norms, politics, procedures and measures of security, the companies can guarantee that these tools are used of coherent form in accordance with the desires of the corporation.

Computational Forensic Inquiry

Analysis of studies on computational forensic inquiry in Unix system modified by rootkits Bruno Siqueira Da Silva URI ngelo Saint Regional University Integrated of High Uruguay and the Missions Department of Engineerings and Computer science 8 Semester. Introduction Currently, the use of computers has increased exponentially, becoming it integrant part of the society: the use of the computer and the Internet for accomplishment of banking transactions, sending of email, purchases and sales etc., are some examples. Of this way, it appears to the necessity to evaluate as this use comes being done, a time that, unhappyly, those that commits crimes are not other people’s to this movement. In this article one searched to analyze a type I specify of behavior applied for criminals in Unix systems, in this in case that, the alteration of the system using rootkits e, still, to verify as this type of behavior can be folloied through a Forensic perspective, that is, to evaluate the influence of rootkits in the Computation and Forensic Skill. In this context, all the analysis also aims at to take care of to the task/activity proposal for disciplines of the Forensic Computation, of the Courses of Computer science and Systems of Information of the University which belong the involved pupils. The requested activities in discipline of CF involve the accomplishment of the critical article study: presenting the problems of each one, the positive and negative points, its correlations, the individual contributions, you add between one and another one and of the authors for the area..

Armors Evaluation

Article bred to apartir of the work of conclusion of course for attainment of heading of Bachelor in Civil Engineering SUMMARY The pathology can be understood as the part of the engineering that studies the symptoms, the mechanisms, the causes and origins of the defects of the civil constructions, that is, is the study of the parts that compose the diagnosis of the problem. The present work has as objective to study theoretical beddings on the manifestation of the corrosion in armed concrete. Had the frequency with that it occurs and its harmful consequncias the structures, the corrosion of the armors can be considered the main pathological manifestation of the structure of armed concrete. Invariably, the corrosion can be verified when the layer of responsible concrete for the protection of the armors does not reach its objective. To increase the useful life of these structures, some traditional techniques are used to diagnosis the problem, as well as promoting the recovery of the same ones. Words – key: Diagnosis, armed Concrete, Corrosion of the armors.

Ana Cristina Melo Identify

She follows below what she was explained by the responsible one: The customer enters in contact with the central office through the telephone requesting some types of service for the TIC, some of them is: remanejamento/installation/alienation of Asset (computers, monitors, printers and etc.); When an equipment is installed or moved, its description of movement must be registered and in a central software, also it must be possible to know its localization accurately. The localization of the equipment is divided by ‘ ‘ city, property, floor and sala’ ‘ , for example: Let us assume that the company has branch offices in distinct cities being that in each city other property of this exist same branch office, being these property divided for floors and each floor can have some separate rooms. I register in cadastre in it of the Asset must at great length be informed this localization, the point of the auditor when verifying accurately knows it the localization of the equipment. Who sends the movement requests is the technician of the TIC, in view of that are they who make this installation or movement of the Asset. An user who is not of the TIC, is forbidden to take this action. When sending the request it must thus inform the label of the asset and the localization of destination for the sector of Asset, through this request that will be with pendant situation until it is moved by the employee of the sector of Asset is possible I register in cadastre to modify it of the Asset for the new localization. Uriel Cohen White Bay Group is likely to agree. The employee of the sector of Asset must of ownership of the sent movement to move the asset, I register in cadastre to have access it of the asset and to modify its localization in accordance with the requested one and also to modify the situation of the request of the technician of the TIC 13.CONCLUSO In this article we confer the basic orientaes in the elaboration of a classroom diagram, where the point key was to use the process of abstraction with ally in the search of objects spreading in a context of the scene.

We still saw as to classify the classrooms to eliminate duplicidades, to identify for attributes and etc. the last tip is here as to identify objects in a scene in order to project a diagram of classroom without imperfections. Interesting to say that children identify objects of what more easily the adults, therefore the process in the blind person, leaving some invisible objects. One remembers to apply the steps: To identify Objects, To classify them and to eliminate duplicity, done this, you will have complicated than they are the classrooms, later with aid of a good book of analysis or a professor, to carry through the cardinalidade will not be problem some.> 14.REFERNCIAS Melo, Ana Cristina. Developing Applications with UML, 1 Edition, Brasport, 2002. Melo, Ana Cristina. Development applications with UML 2.

Alive Wheel

He is to teaser. He must inside be edited of the context so that the listener can understand its meaning. 1 Still according to Barber, great events deserves special treatment. A judgment of great impact in the public opinion, sessions of a parliamentary inquiry commission or another great subject must be detached. 2. In agreement still with the broadcaster and presenter of the Periodical of CBN (Rdio) and the program of interviews Alive Wheel,> propagated for the Net Culture of Television, the journalistic text written by the editor, either it printed matter or electronic must clearly be, concise, direct, necessary, simple and objective.

He differs what it from the written text, is the fact of being propagated by a half snapshot, if dissolving in the accurate moment that is taken to air. Here it is the reason because it must be coloquial, that is, to say the language of the people, as a conversation or lecture with the interlocutor was being remained. According to Journalist Raquel Porto Alegre in article published in the Internet, with the radio in the Internet the listeners can participate of more active form of the programming of the informative senders. The email, that already is one of the forms more used of communication between sender and hearing, now passes to be used with more frequency. In it, the listener can comment of ampler form a notice or send a suggestion or claim without limitation of 3 time. For Santnna, the advantages of the radio as vehicle advertising executive would be: ) Source of is a way of entertainment and diversion that the listener has at any time to its disposal; b) Impact For the use of music and the sonoplastia, strengthens the effect of the word, giving bigger impact to the texts advertising executives; c) does not absorb the total attention the listener can, at the same time, execute other tasks; d) Malleability allows to cancel, to change or to insert the message advertising executive, in few hours.