EGO Capacity

The individual, therefore, thinks before not from fear acting of an exterior head it, who can agrediz it or disinherit it, but yes from fear of its proper conscience. The ones that they do not support to internalizar the social rules and they act for the desire of the ID reveal psychic states of neurosis front to the society. The principle, the neurosis manifest in an individual when its EGO and SUPEREGO meet in continuous tensions, but, for Freud, the development of the civilization is resembled so greatly to the development of the individual that some civilizations or times of the civilization if have perhaps become neurotics (FREUD, 1999). However, an incognito appears: Where moment, or with which age, the individual starts to exist as a conscientious social element? MATURATION OF the SUPEREGO the origin of the actions human beings if of the one in the development of the motricidade and the intellectual capacity. (Source: RioCan ). While child our concept of moral or ethics is fixed in the pleasure or pain. What of the pleasure it can, what cause pain cannot. However I circulate, it social of the child (father, mother and brothers) intervenes directly with the construction of this concept, reformulating and molding the child to the preset concepts of moral.

According to Piaget (1994), the human intellectual development occurs when the child reaches levels of maturity in detriment of the age. Thus, in the piagetiana conception, the development of the child is a process that depends essentially on the equilibrao, that is the natural capacity of auto-regulation of the individual (PIAGET, 1973). Therefore, the development process depends on on internal factors to the maturation of the experience acquired for the child in its contact with the environment. All time that in our relation with the way conflicts, contradictions or other types of difficulty appear, our capacity of auto-regulation or equilibrao enters in action, in the direction to surpass them (PIAGET, 1973).