Iranian Sakineh

Already he has people wanting to move of side: he is more lucrative to be outlaw and to remain imprisoned (therefore he can even count on allowance for expenses for the family), of what to work and to be attacked by the laws, and the agruras of day-by-day. Liberty of speech is another item in crisis. It has seen the recent campaign launched for the powerful nations, against the site Wikileaks. Reason? Why they divulge documents official in which the governments of these nations break all the possible civil laws, but not they want that the world knows. Only for terms an idea: the world if joined, and with rightness, against the execution of the Iranian Sakineh, adultery defendant of and killing the husband. It seems that it finished being saved of the death. But, while the world spoke against the barbarity of the Anger that keeps so aviltante penalty of death, in the United States another one lady was executed, (after to be condemned to the death, therefore the courts also condemn there to the death).

Its crime? The same of that one of the Anger: to kill the husband. The North Americans envergonharam the world occidental person try in Iraq, promoting a war because of weapons that did not exist, beyond will dismiss a government (Saddam Hussein), to it had as well as run over the human rights in Guantnamo. Forgetting that its armory of nuclear weapons and other pesticides are not gotten rid of that empesteiam mundoE the attack to wikileaks it does not come exactly occurring because the site divulges this type of information, that unmasks the hypocrisy of the dictators who if postam in the Whites House, of other colors and in other houses of assassins institutionalized. It wants more, things of the world? It sees the vexame of the Enem. It is truth that has a positive side, but also lives dived in a sea of vices and intrigues.

By the way, as as much other competitions, on which they fall again storms of doubts. To only exemplificar, he had a university, for there, that he launched a competition to contract professors. He constituted boards of examiners: he has that to be doctor for this! each doctor has that to emit its opinion (approving or disapproving the candidate), from its certainties and of objective criteria. But, they astonish you: some of these doctors, or do not have personality, or it does not have capacity, or are manipulated by somebody. He was something as this: three doctors, therefore different people, with different formation reiteradamente had reiteradamente made to coincide notes of the evaluation thus (something: the first one gave note 3,0, as note 3,0, third, note 3,0), for the same candidate. this if repeated for all the candidates. The chances are not refused you tie up to and them, but as much in one only competition, where the opinion would have to prevail of different people with so honored headings in this ties up to them to case has smells of rotten thing. For these and other things of the world, but that they are produced by the people, he is that he believes yourself, each time less in the human being. E, each time more, I believe that Nietzsche was correct when would mesquinharia affirming it of the human being. Bad animal, we are. Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historiador.