The time of ' ' it is rich fast and easily with internet' ' it is thing of the past, now you needs beyond knowledge and specific abilities, you it needs to have an excellent product to vender in the net. But what to vender? The reply valley Real millions in its banking account. – Knows the History of Sam Brennan? the man who constructed the fastest richness in the world of the businesses? He was not in the lottery as you could imagine. – In 1848 gold in California was discovered, who discovered and wise person of the existence of the gold did not speak for nobody, then expensive one called Sam Brennan was knowing then made the following one: . Bought all the shovels, pickaxes, pans, basins, whisky and etc? that it found for the front. It fulled a gold bottle and it was for the San Francisco capital and it said and it showed for everybody the bottle as test of the discovery of the gold? – There then made an impression with propaganda of Sam, thousands of eager people for gold, wanting to be rich quickly panning gold, if had precipitated for the place? – They imagine who vendeu the shovels, pickaxes, basins, etc, for the thousands of just fond goldwashers? How did not have competitor, Sam charged what she wanted and in some weeks gained a richness, never seen before in all California? – Dos goldwashers, some had only obtained to be rich, but the majority had died poor, therefore the gold that initially was in the surface now was incrusted in the deepening of the rocks and needed schemes for excavates it and the majority did not have resources schemes to acquire them. – Na Internet happened something similar: some companies had gained and gain much money as: Google, Yahoo, YouTube, etc. Exist millions of people entering in the Internet wanting to be rich instantaneously with the Internet? some Sam Brennan waiting the herd? – Then the message is: He is on to enrich in the Internet, looks for to understand ' ' what the people want and sales the product that takes care of the necessity of them? ' ' Either a Sam Brennan in the net. – Sales what the people want to buy? – It is not so difficult thus? – It learns all strategies of Marketing and Promotion that I use in my business and much more? – Yours truly Enrique Meinberg